So I was sitting in rehearsal on Friday night and was texting my friend, Ben who lives in Decorah, where we went to school. Me, being completely out of it, had not really made plans for the holiday weekend, so after he suggested, I decided on a whim to make the drive down to Iowa. What a crazy weekend.
First, I had forgotten how boring the drive was. Granted, I have driven it probably fifty times, but anything past Rochester is, well, dull. Sorry to anyone who lives there. When I finally got into town, I was super excited to find out that several of my good friends were in town as well, and one of them was vacationing about an hour on another whim, I decided to kidnap her for the night and bring her with me. It was fantastic to catch up with people from school and it was also really cool to hear all the things they have been up to since graduation. At the same time, however, the town and the campus had a distinctly different feeling than I had remembered. All the "youngins" were unfamiliar to me and the key elements that defined my college experience were all altered in one way or another. I guess it just shows that change is inevitable and while it is sometimes hard, it will usually be okay in the end.
Due to my schedule getting busier and busier, (not complaining!) I am pretty sure that will be the last trip I take to campus for a while. Luckily, the Twin Cities are close enough that if I were to change my mind, it would not pose much of an issue.
One thing that is completely new to me this summer is living by myself. Well, mostly. I am currently living where my parents live most of the time, but they are gone for the majority of the summer along with my sister, so whenever I come home, the house is always empty. This has been a bit weird for me, I must say. After living with 12 other guys this past year, it is quite different to not have at least one other person to talk to. On the other hand, I do really enjoy the peace and quiet. I can stay up and be noisy for as long as I want and not disturb anyone and I can finally scratch the itch that is late night singing! One thing I am really struggling with still is cooking. I even purchased a nice big cookbook with step-by-step pictures and everything to help me, but the whole process is a little intimidating, so more often than not, I end up eating something you dont have to cook, or something you just throw in the microwave....pathetic, I know. I will work on it.
Job audition tomorrow. Its for a Vocal Director position at a high school - they are doing a fairly popular pop-rock show and I would really like to work on it. One thing that worries me, however is that I initially took this year to be able to perform, not do production work. For better or for worse, I also have a sweet tooth for coaching, so I guess I should stop complaining, as long as it pays the bills. I also have three callbacks for three equally enticing shows coming up, and if I got even one of them, I would be totally stoked! Fingers crossed! At this point, I want to be careful to not be too picky about the work that I get, especially because I understand that the job market is quite awful for actors and musicians right now. At least in Minneapolis, there is still a pretty healthy market if you know where to look.
Highlight of the day: Went to lunch with one of my best friends who is spending the summer working at a camp up in the boondocks. While it was short because he had to drive back up into the woods, it was AWESOME to see him and it just reminds me of how much I miss that kid! Gah!
Also, check out this video of Katie Thompson singing Say Goodbye by Scott Alan. She has a wicked cool voice - love it!
Thats all for now! Check ya later!
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